
Fauzia is one of the women painters in this country who have, through their serious paintings, distinguished themselves socially, in a society going through rapid changes. Her work is graceful and is both symbolic and real. She has traveled extensively internationally (US, UK, Japan, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Middle East) and her travels have given her many memories that are reflected in her paintings.

Painting medium:

Fauzia’s interest in painting trees and roots is for religious and social values. No one else has thought about it before. The message of her painting takes people to their roots of culture, heritage and religion. Fauzia is very skillful, versatile artist and accepts all sorts of challenges from within, to create inspirational work on canvas and at the same time is not hesitant to try out new medium. She has painted and displayed her work on rocks and glass.

Painting Style:

Fauzia works on roots without any distraction. She is a landscape painter and works on calligraphy as well. She takes a photograph of a situation and then paints it; her creation is not the ditto of the photograph. Her canvas portrays what her mind perceives.


Fauzia is one of the leaders in using glass and rocks, in their original form, as a medium of painting. Fauzia uses these mediums with utmost ease and displays her mastery with ultimate delicacy and excellence.

Fauzia enjoys bringing in new ideas in displaying her work, to compliment her ability to paint as well as the manner in which it is to be presented. She is the first artist to give live performance of her painting accompanied by sufi mystic music of Late Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.

Future direction:

Her work and is committed to her cause of making this society and environment a better place to live. All her work is research based. She studies, gathers all related information then skillfully portrays them in her painting through elegant style. The message of her painting will be directed towards awareness of responsibilities people towards the society. She also believes that times have changed and new artists and youth will not have to use other sources to get renowned. All that is required shall be hard work and commitment which will judge their place.

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